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25 Ocak 2018 Perşembe

Calculate your ovulation date

calculate your ovulation date

Approximate Ovulation ile ilgili görsel sonucuHISTORY OF OVULATION (DAY, SEMESTER) CALCULATION
It is very important to determine the ovulation period in order to calculate the optimal time for pregnancy. These dates are more likely to result in pregnancy as a result of sexual intercourse in recent days. It is the most practical way to detect the ovulation day, which occurs approximately 14 days before the menstruation period starts in women with regular menstruation. With this calculation, it is the 14th day of ovulation in a woman who has 28 days of menstrual period, and it corresponds to the 14th day counting from the first day of menstrual bleeding. Beginning 2-3 days before this day and 1 week after 2-3 days of sexual intercourse will increase your chances of getting pregnant. (That is, starting from 17-18 days before the start of menstruation, it is necessary to enter into the association every 2-3 days for 1 week)
(Note: Entering into the relationship every day is not recommended because it will greatly reduce the number of sperm, so a relationship is recommended every two days.)
Other examples: Menstruation must calculate that egg laying will occur on the 16th day, starting from the first day when a regular 30 days of menstrual bleeding begins. Menstrual bleeds occur regularly every 35 days in women, the day of ovulation is equivalent to the 21st day.
It is harder to predict the day of ovulation when menstruation is irregular. But it always starts to spawning 14 days before menstruation begins.

The above recipes are always counted backwards from the next piece (such as starting the intercourse 17-18 days before the piece starts). Because ovulation day is more reliable to calculate according to future adventure. (The duration of the second cycle of ovulation-menstruation is constant for 14 days.)

menses Your average number  :  days
(The period from the first day of the first bleeding to the first day of the other bleeding)

At the latest date, the menstrual cycle started (the first day of the last cycle):

Approximate Ovulation (ovulasyon) : your date

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